Private Client Services

  • The son of a wealthy businessman was being extorted by a group of men in South Florida. IMG initiated surveillance and determined they were drug dealers who were preying upon the son's substance-abuse problem. The wealthy father then received a message that he must pay the men $25,000 to avoid physical harm to his son. IMG operatives set up a meeting with the son, under the auspices of making the extortion payment. Nearby the meeting site, the drug dealers waited and watched the events unfold. At the meeting, the IMG investigator evaluated the situation, informed the son that there would be no payoff, and urged the young man to return home to his family and to seek help. The son came to agree with the IMG plan, but feared repercussions from the drug dealers. The IMG investigator staged a mock arrest, put handcuffs on the son and walked him outside. The car with the drug dealers sped away, the son was returned to his family and he entered counseling.

  • An American student studying abroad in Europe became heavily engaged in illegal drug use. The student dropped out of her study program consequently nullifying her visa status and rendering her persona non grata in the host country. She moved from student housing to another location where the drug use continued to cultivate. After numerous attempts by family to remove her and return her to the United States, IMG investigators were brought in. The investigators soon arrived on the ground, assessed the situation and developed a plan of removal. Assuming the auspices of visa and immigration consultants, the investigators quickly were able to convince her to return briefly to the United States to rectify her visa status. Within a couple of hours of arrival, IMG investigators were on a plane with the student flying back to the US. Through IMG's efforts, the student voluntarily entered a drug treatment facility.